Business Code For Investment
How Does A Dream Become True.
Partnership with International Financial Companies
Business Code & Al Nasfan Group
Joint cooperation to provide comprehensive business and financial consulting services and solutions of the highest quality.

Financial and banking solutions services at the highest level, as our services are widely welcomed around the world Learn more by visiting our website website.

Al Nasfan Group was established in 2004,
Where we invest in several commercial industrial and entertainment fields we understand investment in a different way,
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is the most competitive business center in the world. There are many good reasons to set up a business in Saudi Arabia: innovation and first-class technology, economic system, political stability, close links with foreign markets, excellent education and healthcare systems, outstanding infrastructure, high standard of living, and a competitive tax system.
KSA Business & Investment

Saudi Arabia today is considered one of the very important financial centers. It has the largest international banks and banks, and investing in it is a step that any investor must take.
One Click To Activated Services
The interconnectedness of departments concerned with business services in Saudi Arabia helps you facilitate your business, as electronic connectivity and reliability in transactions make it the goal of all businessmen from different countries of the world.
Saudi Economy
Whereas the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the vision of the Saudi Crown Prince (may God protect him), has led the Kingdom to levels that it could not have achieved except through the plan that was drawn up by him, which is Saudi Vision 2023, which is now in the eyes of all local and international news and the largest countries’ economies. The latest reports indicate that the Kingdom’s economy is called the most promising and most developed economy.
In Saudi More Is Going On
Upcoming Projects & Events:
- Vision 2030 ( On Going Plan )
- Formula1 Saudi Grand Prix 2024
- Riyadh Season 2024
- GGW CUP Saudi Arabia 2024
- Experience AlUla 2024
- Qiddiya City 2026
- 2027 AFC Asian Cup
- Red Sea Projects 2030
- Riyadh expo 2030
- New Murabba 2032
- Saudi 2034 FIFA™ World Cup
And more..
Dreams Come True
Business Code
For Financial Consulting
Our services:
- Investment
- Financial consulting
- Opening companies and obtaining commercial licenses
- Assistance in obtaining the investor’s residency in the correct way
- Advanced financial solutions from approved entities
- Economic feasibility study
- Request an agency or trademark
- Assistance in obtaining local and international legal advice
- Buying/Sale companies/Est
And more..

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Business Code For Investment
How Does A Dream Become True.
© Al Nasfan Group (Business Code). All rights reserved.2025
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Terms and Conditions :
*- Any client requesting to deal in any field with Business Code for Investment must agree to everything that will be mentioned.
- Last Update-
-It's Considered Effective In:
-Date Format DD/MM/YYYY-
- in 01/06/2024 . At Time 09:00AM--Always updated content-
Please check the changing content and always stay informed of changes, because we do not notify users of changes except on this page and you can always check the above mentioned update date.
* - Using of this website is subject to the following conditions:
A- Everything referred to as Business Code for Investment. Est in these terms and conditions and what are known as contracts is implied by the following:B- It is a multi-activity company represented by the CR license number: 2051225440C- the commercial name known as Business Code For Investment and the legal person in whose name this license was issued. an the most important activities is investment. To learn more about other activities, click here.D- All of this can be verified through the government website link:
1-The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only as it is subject to change without notice.
2-This website uses cookies to monitor your browsing preferences. If you allow the use of cookies, personal information may be stored by us for use by third parties.
3-Neither we nor any third party provide any warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose.
4-We acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors, and we shall not be liable for any such errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we will not be liable. It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet its specific requirements.
5-This website contains material that is owned by or licensed only to us.
6-This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, feel and graphics.
7-Reproduction is prohibited except in accordance with the terms of copyright, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
8-All trademarks used on this website that are not owned or licensed are acknowledged.
9-Unauthorized use of this website may result in a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.
10-This website may also contain links to other websites.
11-These links are provided from time to time for your convenience to provide further information.
12-These links do not imply that we endorse the site(s).
13-We assume no responsibility for the content of the website(s) linked to this website.
15- We do not sell any tangible products or services that can be kept on devices or services that can be retrieved after before or after use.
16- We do not have anything that must be returned, and all of our services are based on billing for a service that has already been used and cannot be returned with the testimony of both parties. From the service provider And the customer.
17- To raise a general issue request, please contact us through the following contacts:
• E-mail : info@thebusinesscode.net
• https://alnasfangroup.me
- For problems of inability to access the site or communicate, please raise a complaint ticket through the website of the actual operator
• https://alnasfangroup.me
• E-mail : info@alnasfangroup.me
18 - You must agree that most Business Code for Investment. Est are provided by a third party, and you must ensure for yourself the integrity of all information, data and documents requested from you and sent to you, and you must be fully responsible for your dealings with the third party, and Business Code for Investment. Est disclaim all responsibility after linking you to the service provider (third party).
19 - You must acknowledge that you are aware of the possibility of delays in services for transactions submitted to Business Code for Investment. Est and that this delay is not considered a negligence on the part of Business Code for Investment. Est, but rather a delay from the source of the service (the third party), no matter how long is take, and that depends entirely on the difficulty of the transaction in the first place.
20- You must acknowledge that you know that Business Code for Investment. Est do not decide any decision regarding the transactions submitted to them, but rather the decision rests with the third party alone.
21- I accept and acknowledge after registering on the site and obtaining the password for my profile page, I will be fully responsible for all the data and information registered on the login page, and I will be the only one responsible if I share my password with anyone, and I will be the only one responsible if I lose the password and it spreads, and you will not be Business Code for Investment. Est are responsible for the spread of any information and data recorded on the My Profile page.
22- I accept and acknowledge that when I subscribe to a Business Code for Investment. Est service, it does not necessarily mean that Business Code for Investment. Est will fulfill this service, and I know that Business Code for Investment. Est does not make any guarantees, whether explicit or implicit.
23- I accept and acknowledge that I am aware that this service is not free and that this service has a variable price based on a percentage, and that I will be asked to document a contract between me and the Business Code for Investment. Est in which the price of the service is a percentage of the value of the trade, investment, projects or financing that I obtain. This ratio is determined by Business Code for Investment. Est. This contract includes all the terms and conditions of the contract concluded between me. and between Business Code for Investment. Est. I do not have the right to object to the percentage mentioned in this contract, nor do I have the right to object the terms and conditions mentioned in this contract.
24- I acknowledge and agree that the business networks will issue an electronic contract from (Signit.sa) services for electronic signature.
which is an accredited company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for electronic signatures. This company uses authentication via email, via Absher text messages, and via the National Access Service (NAFATH). If the contract is signed electronically, this signature is considered confirmed and notarized. It is considered an authentication confirmed by the Saudi courts, and if the signature does not match my real signature on the ground or is radically different from my signature at the Chamber of Commerce, I have no right to object after signing, or object using the words the i was unable to know this matter.
25- This excludes issuing electronic authentication and signatures through the Absher and National Entry (Nafath) services for non-Saudi nationalities and residents outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their contracts are authenticated through the chambers of commerce, courts and Saudi embassies in their countries. Saudis who own companies or institutions can also authenticate through the Saudi chambers of commerce.
26- I accept and acknowledge that I am aware that Business Code for Investment. Est will not ask me to pay money by cash, and that all payments will be made by bank transfer directly to their own account or through one of the electronic payment gateways (Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Apple Pay - Mada Card - Sadad Saudi Arabia - UrPay - STC Pay) is determined by receiving a regular invoice for the amount due only, the Business Code for Investment. Est will not be responsible for any payments that are delivered to a third party in cash or by wire transferring.
27- I acknowledge and agree that the amount of the service provided by Business Code for Investment. Est and its contract is subject to VAT (value added tax) and that its amount is payable directly with the value of the service provided.
Terms and conditions for VAT (value added tax) apply according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
28- After sending my data and information, I know and accept that Business Code for Investment. Est share all these data, information and documents with their business partners, and this sharing may be with other intermediaries, companies and other institutions, and I have no right to object to that later.
29- An acknowledgment by the user that he's/she's does not have the right to take screenshots of his private page in Business Code for Investment. Est system that contains his transaction information, or for the user to print it for the purpose of presenting it to any governmental or private entity in order to use it as evidence to be approved in specific reports, and If this happens from any user, he will lose all his rights, including canceling the he's/she's contract with Business Code for Investment. Est for violating the terms and conditions, and including that he's/she's has violated the copyright law and the confidentiality of data agreed upon in the contract, and Business Code for Investment. Est will take the necessary measures, including broken preserving copy rights and confidentiality of data, and demanding compensation for damages that may result from this matter.
30- Business Code for Investment. Est has the right to disclose customer data contracted with in any transaction to its subsidiaries or joint projects, or between these companies and Business Code for Investment. Est a direct business relationship, or to government agencies implementing services for citizens, residents, and citizens. Visitors, for the purpose of completing the purpose of the service contracting.
31- The Business Code for Investment. Est work depends on the principle of fees, percentages, and profit from transactions provided by customers. Accordingly, the applicant acknowledges that this is one of the company’s rights, and there is no room for negotiation after he acknowledges the value of this work and signs it.
32- Business Code for Investment. Est does not issue any type of government permits, residence permits, work visas, visit visas, or commercial records. Rather, Business Code for Investment. Est follows the instructions and steps and fulfills the government conditions used to obtain permits, obtain residence permits, obtain all types of visas, or all types of records.
33- Business Code for Investment. Est does not lend money in any currency. Rather, Business Code for Investment. Est, through its relationship and dealings with its affiliated or joint companies, or through companies that have a business relationship between it and Business Code for Investment. Est, plays the role of an intermediary to organize the client’s files and regulate the relationship between the client and the companies. Legally authorized to provide financial facilities and financing to ensure obtaining the required approvals.
34- Business Code for Investment. Est does not undertake direct investment, but rather by recommending to the client who requests this service to choose the most widespread and common companies that have reaped the greatest amount of profits through their previous dealings, and Business Code for Investment. Est is not considered in this role as a guarantor of any kind of guarantee for these companies.
35- Business Code for Investment. Est will not handle any transaction unless it signs its contracts with the customer requesting the service and fulfills all the conditions stipulated in this contract.
36- Business Code for Investment. Est will not handle any transaction unless the fees and rates based on the transaction are agreed upon, through the signature of the customer requesting the service agreeing to those fees and rates.
37- Business Code for Investment. Est will not receive any papers related to other clients through intermediaries or persons who are not authorized to submit these papers. Rather, the transaction papers will be received from the person requesting the service himself, or through one of his authorized employees, or through the official website only.
38- Every client who signs a Business Code for Investment. Est contract in any field must acknowledge that he is a sane adult who meets the legal requirements that authorize him to sign on his own behalf, and therefore bears responsibility for implementing all the terms and conditions of the contract that was signed by him and the judicial rulings arising from it. Failure to adhere to it.
39- Business Code for Investment. Est does not bear any responsibility or damages that may result from any type of dealings that may take place after the end of its services with the customer requesting the service. Rather, the customer must examine and verify the data and information related to his personal transaction and will be legally responsible for it after the end of the services. Contracting with Business Code for Investment. Est.
40- Business Code for Investment. Est is a financial consulting company that strives to give the best investment recommendations, organize the relationship between the client and financial facilities and loan companies, assist in opening records, and facilitate procedures for obtaining visas of all kinds after meeting all government requirements and conditions. Business Code for Investment. Est makes no guarantee that the order or service will be fulfilled in any way. In any form, whether paper or oral, to complete any transaction unless the conditions required to achieve the service are met and initial approval is obtained from the company or entity that will implement this service.
41- Business Code for Investment. Est is a company present in several countries, and its contract systems and terms of these contracts may differ depending on the service and according to the laws of these countries. For example, some of them require authentication via authentication messages via phone registered in the state’s systems, and others require personal attendance at the company’s headquarters. And the papers are certified by the Ministry of Commerce in that country. The client must be prepared for any approval of the type of certification required in any country within which contracts are signed.
42- Business Code for Investment. Est is an independent company with its own systems and official records in each country separately, and it follows the legal and regulatory procedures and government requirements in each country according to the nature and requirements of this country, so the client must follow the requirements and procedures according to each country.
43- Business Code for Investment. Est does not conduct personal interviews or sign on behalf of the client on government documents or applications or with companies that require his personal presence at their official headquarters, so the client must be prepared to appear in person to sign the documents or applications that require his presence, and in the event that he does not His presence is considered a negligence on his part and not a negligence on the part of Business Code for Investment. Est.
44- Business Code for Investment. Est does not cancel or reduce the government fees required for the transaction if this transaction is related to a government service, but the customer must pay these fees as they are.
45- Business Code for Investment. Est does not cancel or reduce taxes imposed on fees, percentages, or profits, but rather the customer must bear them as they are.
46- Business Code for Investment. Est does not change the conditions, reduce the conditions, or cancel the government conditions required for the transaction if the transaction concerns a government entity, but the customer must provide all of these conditions.
47- Business Code for Investment. Est employees will never contact you and ask you about your confidential banking information or pin numbers, or to pay it via credit card for its services over the phone.
48- I pledge to download a copy of the terms and conditions and the questions and answers and that I agree to everything stated therein and that this requires my signature on them in written approval and that this copy is later delivered to Business Code for Investment. Est, but continuing and filling out the data in itself constitutes an agreement to all the terms and conditions and what is stated therein.
*- I acknowledge and agree that I have read all of what was mentioned in and I have understood all of what is intended within the terms and conditions. I have undertaken legal consultation to clarify all of what is mentioned in terms and conditions through the lawyers and offices concerned with this matter and i have no object after that.
* - I have read and understood the terms and conditions carefully, and I have understood all their meanings, and I have no objection to them, and by continuing to provide my data, I have no right to object to any of them in the future.
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Terms and Conditions :
*- Any client requesting to deal in any field with Business Code for Investment must agree to everything that will be mentioned.
- Last Update-
-It's Considered Effective In:
-Date Format DD/MM/YYYY-
- in 01/06/2024 . At Time 09:00AM--Always updated content-
Please check the changing content and always stay informed of changes, because we do not notify users of changes except on this page and you can always check the above mentioned update date.
* - Using of this website is subject to the following conditions:
A- Everything referred to as Business Code for Investment. Est in these terms and conditions and what are known as contracts is implied by the following:B- It is a multi-activity company represented by the CR license number: 2051225440C- the commercial name known as Business Code For Investment and the legal person in whose name this license was issued. an the most important activities is investment. To learn more about other activities, click here.D- All of this can be verified through the government website link:
1-The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only as it is subject to change without notice.
2-This website uses cookies to monitor your browsing preferences. If you allow the use of cookies, personal information may be stored by us for use by third parties.
3-Neither we nor any third party provide any warranty as to the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials found or offered on this website for any particular purpose.
4-We acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors, and we shall not be liable for any such errors to the fullest extent permitted by law. Your use of any information or materials on this website is entirely at your own risk, for which we will not be liable. It is your responsibility to ensure that any products, services or information available through this website meet its specific requirements.
5-This website contains material that is owned by or licensed only to us.
6-This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, feel and graphics.
7-Reproduction is prohibited except in accordance with the terms of copyright, which forms part of these terms and conditions.
8-All trademarks used on this website that are not owned or licensed are acknowledged.
9-Unauthorized use of this website may result in a claim for damages and/or be a criminal offence.
10-This website may also contain links to other websites.
11-These links are provided from time to time for your convenience to provide further information.
12-These links do not imply that we endorse the site(s).
13-We assume no responsibility for the content of the website(s) linked to this website.
15- We do not sell any tangible products or services that can be kept on devices or services that can be retrieved after before or after use.
16- We do not have anything that must be returned, and all of our services are based on billing for a service that has already been used and cannot be returned with the testimony of both parties. From the service provider And the customer.
17- To raise a general issue request, please contact us through the following contacts:
• E-mail : info@thebusinesscode.net
• https://alnasfangroup.me
- For problems of inability to access the site or communicate, please raise a complaint ticket through the website of the actual operator
• https://alnasfangroup.me
• E-mail : info@alnasfangroup.me
18 - You must agree that most Business Code for Investment. Est are provided by a third party, and you must ensure for yourself the integrity of all information, data and documents requested from you and sent to you, and you must be fully responsible for your dealings with the third party, and Business Code for Investment. Est disclaim all responsibility after linking you to the service provider (third party).
19 - You must acknowledge that you are aware of the possibility of delays in services for transactions submitted to Business Code for Investment. Est and that this delay is not considered a negligence on the part of Business Code for Investment. Est, but rather a delay from the source of the service (the third party), no matter how long is take, and that depends entirely on the difficulty of the transaction in the first place.
20- You must acknowledge that you know that Business Code for Investment. Est do not decide any decision regarding the transactions submitted to them, but rather the decision rests with the third party alone.
21- I accept and acknowledge after registering on the site and obtaining the password for my profile page, I will be fully responsible for all the data and information registered on the login page, and I will be the only one responsible if I share my password with anyone, and I will be the only one responsible if I lose the password and it spreads, and you will not be Business Code for Investment. Est are responsible for the spread of any information and data recorded on the My Profile page.
22- I accept and acknowledge that when I subscribe to a Business Code for Investment. Est service, it does not necessarily mean that Business Code for Investment. Est will fulfill this service, and I know that Business Code for Investment. Est does not make any guarantees, whether explicit or implicit.
23- I accept and acknowledge that I am aware that this service is not free and that this service has a variable price based on a percentage, and that I will be asked to document a contract between me and the Business Code for Investment. Est in which the price of the service is a percentage of the value of the trade, investment, projects or financing that I obtain. This ratio is determined by Business Code for Investment. Est. This contract includes all the terms and conditions of the contract concluded between me. and between Business Code for Investment. Est. I do not have the right to object to the percentage mentioned in this contract, nor do I have the right to object the terms and conditions mentioned in this contract.
24- I acknowledge and agree that the business networks will issue an electronic contract from (Signit.sa) services for electronic signature.
which is an accredited company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for electronic signatures. This company uses authentication via email, via Absher text messages, and via the National Access Service (NAFATH). If the contract is signed electronically, this signature is considered confirmed and notarized. It is considered an authentication confirmed by the Saudi courts, and if the signature does not match my real signature on the ground or is radically different from my signature at the Chamber of Commerce, I have no right to object after signing, or object using the words the i was unable to know this matter.
25- This excludes issuing electronic authentication and signatures through the Absher and National Entry (Nafath) services for non-Saudi nationalities and residents outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Their contracts are authenticated through the chambers of commerce, courts and Saudi embassies in their countries. Saudis who own companies or institutions can also authenticate through the Saudi chambers of commerce.
26- I accept and acknowledge that I am aware that Business Code for Investment. Est will not ask me to pay money by cash, and that all payments will be made by bank transfer directly to their own account or through one of the electronic payment gateways (Visa - MasterCard - American Express - Apple Pay - Mada Card - Sadad Saudi Arabia - UrPay - STC Pay) is determined by receiving a regular invoice for the amount due only, the Business Code for Investment. Est will not be responsible for any payments that are delivered to a third party in cash or by wire transferring.
27- I acknowledge and agree that the amount of the service provided by Business Code for Investment. Est and its contract is subject to VAT (value added tax) and that its amount is payable directly with the value of the service provided.
Terms and conditions for VAT (value added tax) apply according to the laws of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
28- After sending my data and information, I know and accept that Business Code for Investment. Est share all these data, information and documents with their business partners, and this sharing may be with other intermediaries, companies and other institutions, and I have no right to object to that later.
29- An acknowledgment by the user that he's/she's does not have the right to take screenshots of his private page in Business Code for Investment. Est system that contains his transaction information, or for the user to print it for the purpose of presenting it to any governmental or private entity in order to use it as evidence to be approved in specific reports, and If this happens from any user, he will lose all his rights, including canceling the he's/she's contract with Business Code for Investment. Est for violating the terms and conditions, and including that he's/she's has violated the copyright law and the confidentiality of data agreed upon in the contract, and Business Code for Investment. Est will take the necessary measures, including broken preserving copy rights and confidentiality of data, and demanding compensation for damages that may result from this matter.
30- Business Code for Investment. Est has the right to disclose customer data contracted with in any transaction to its subsidiaries or joint projects, or between these companies and Business Code for Investment. Est a direct business relationship, or to government agencies implementing services for citizens, residents, and citizens. Visitors, for the purpose of completing the purpose of the service contracting.
31- The Business Code for Investment. Est work depends on the principle of fees, percentages, and profit from transactions provided by customers. Accordingly, the applicant acknowledges that this is one of the company’s rights, and there is no room for negotiation after he acknowledges the value of this work and signs it.
32- Business Code for Investment. Est does not issue any type of government permits, residence permits, work visas, visit visas, or commercial records. Rather, Business Code for Investment. Est follows the instructions and steps and fulfills the government conditions used to obtain permits, obtain residence permits, obtain all types of visas, or all types of records.
33- Business Code for Investment. Est does not lend money in any currency. Rather, Business Code for Investment. Est, through its relationship and dealings with its affiliated or joint companies, or through companies that have a business relationship between it and Business Code for Investment. Est, plays the role of an intermediary to organize the client’s files and regulate the relationship between the client and the companies. Legally authorized to provide financial facilities and financing to ensure obtaining the required approvals.
34- Business Code for Investment. Est does not undertake direct investment, but rather by recommending to the client who requests this service to choose the most widespread and common companies that have reaped the greatest amount of profits through their previous dealings, and Business Code for Investment. Est is not considered in this role as a guarantor of any kind of guarantee for these companies.
35- Business Code for Investment. Est will not handle any transaction unless it signs its contracts with the customer requesting the service and fulfills all the conditions stipulated in this contract.
36- Business Code for Investment. Est will not handle any transaction unless the fees and rates based on the transaction are agreed upon, through the signature of the customer requesting the service agreeing to those fees and rates.
37- Business Code for Investment. Est will not receive any papers related to other clients through intermediaries or persons who are not authorized to submit these papers. Rather, the transaction papers will be received from the person requesting the service himself, or through one of his authorized employees, or through the official website only.
38- Every client who signs a Business Code for Investment. Est contract in any field must acknowledge that he is a sane adult who meets the legal requirements that authorize him to sign on his own behalf, and therefore bears responsibility for implementing all the terms and conditions of the contract that was signed by him and the judicial rulings arising from it. Failure to adhere to it.
39- Business Code for Investment. Est does not bear any responsibility or damages that may result from any type of dealings that may take place after the end of its services with the customer requesting the service. Rather, the customer must examine and verify the data and information related to his personal transaction and will be legally responsible for it after the end of the services. Contracting with Business Code for Investment. Est.
40- Business Code for Investment. Est is a financial consulting company that strives to give the best investment recommendations, organize the relationship between the client and financial facilities and loan companies, assist in opening records, and facilitate procedures for obtaining visas of all kinds after meeting all government requirements and conditions. Business Code for Investment. Est makes no guarantee that the order or service will be fulfilled in any way. In any form, whether paper or oral, to complete any transaction unless the conditions required to achieve the service are met and initial approval is obtained from the company or entity that will implement this service.
41- Business Code for Investment. Est is a company present in several countries, and its contract systems and terms of these contracts may differ depending on the service and according to the laws of these countries. For example, some of them require authentication via authentication messages via phone registered in the state’s systems, and others require personal attendance at the company’s headquarters. And the papers are certified by the Ministry of Commerce in that country. The client must be prepared for any approval of the type of certification required in any country within which contracts are signed.
42- Business Code for Investment. Est is an independent company with its own systems and official records in each country separately, and it follows the legal and regulatory procedures and government requirements in each country according to the nature and requirements of this country, so the client must follow the requirements and procedures according to each country.
43- Business Code for Investment. Est does not conduct personal interviews or sign on behalf of the client on government documents or applications or with companies that require his personal presence at their official headquarters, so the client must be prepared to appear in person to sign the documents or applications that require his presence, and in the event that he does not His presence is considered a negligence on his part and not a negligence on the part of Business Code for Investment. Est.
44- Business Code for Investment. Est does not cancel or reduce the government fees required for the transaction if this transaction is related to a government service, but the customer must pay these fees as they are.
45- Business Code for Investment. Est does not cancel or reduce taxes imposed on fees, percentages, or profits, but rather the customer must bear them as they are.
46- Business Code for Investment. Est does not change the conditions, reduce the conditions, or cancel the government conditions required for the transaction if the transaction concerns a government entity, but the customer must provide all of these conditions.
47- Business Code for Investment. Est employees will never contact you and ask you about your confidential banking information or pin numbers, or to pay it via credit card for its services over the phone.
48- I pledge to download a copy of the terms and conditions and the questions and answers and that I agree to everything stated therein and that this requires my signature on them in written approval and that this copy is later delivered to Business Code for Investment. Est, but continuing and filling out the data in itself constitutes an agreement to all the terms and conditions and what is stated therein.
*- I acknowledge and agree that I have read all of what was mentioned in and I have understood all of what is intended within the terms and conditions. I have undertaken legal consultation to clarify all of what is mentioned in terms and conditions through the lawyers and offices concerned with this matter and i have no object after that.
* - I have read and understood the terms and conditions carefully, and I have understood all their meanings, and I have no objection to them, and by continuing to provide my data, I have no right to object to any of them in the future.
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Note: There is no way to send requests except through our official website or through our authorized employees only.

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